
Ravana Ella (a.k.a. Ravana Falls) is believed to be just one of many locations in Sri Lanka associated with the epic tale of the Ramayana. The tale narrates that the natural pools made by the waterfall is the very place in which Princess Sita once bathed. Presently, the waterfall is one of the more popular sites in central Sri Lanka.

What to Expect

The 82ft Ravana Ella cascades over an oval shaped concave rock outcrop and is believed to be the widest waterfall in the country. The waterfall is indeed a glorious sight to behold during the rainy season (generally from about June to December) when it has a full flow of water. However, it is not possible to venture out into the natural pools during this period, as it can be rather treacherous.

The flow of water reduces considerably during the dry season, which means you won’t get to see the waterfall in its majestic glory, but it also means that you may be able to have a dip in the natural pools formed by the cascading water. The site also provides a good view of the Ella Gap.

Getting to the Ravana Ella waterfall is not too difficult, as there are numerous busses that travel from the town to the location.

❂ Useful Tips:

  • The journey to Ravana Ella from the town would normally take around 15-20 mins.
  • Ravana Ella is located about 6km from the Ella Station.
  • Please be mindful if you visit during the rainy season, as the rocks are slippery and the force of the water is strong.